About Dr. Kuo-Hwa Chang
* Graduated from National Defense Medical Center, July, 1980
* Internship at Tri-service General Hospital Taipei: July, 1978 to June, 1980
* Resident, Chief Resident and Attending Plastic Surgeon at Chinese Air force General Hospital: 1982 to 1995
* Registrar, Department of Plastic-Maxillofacial Surgery, Groote Schuur Hospital, Woodstock Hospital and Red Cross Hospital, University of Cape Town, Feb. 1989 to Feb. 1991
* Attending Plastic Surgeon, Chung Shan Hospital, Taipei, 1995~to 1998
* Director, Chang’s Clinic of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Taipei, since May, 1995
Board Certification and honor
* Specialist, Taiwan Surgical Association
* Specialist and Committee Member, Taiwan Hand Surgery Association
* Specialist, Taiwan Plastic Surgical Association
* Specialist and Committee Member, Taiwan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Presentation at Local Meetings
Heel Reconstruction足跟重建 – 臺灣空軍醫學會 1985.12月
Post-traumatic Sympathetic Dystrophy外傷後交感神經失養症 –臺灣整形外科醫學會 1986.11月
Nail Bed Reconstruction甲床重建 – 臺灣整形外科醫學會 1987.9月
Adipofascial Flap Reconstruction of Defect of the Knees.以肌膜瓣重建膝部缺損,臺灣整形外科醫學會 1988. 10月.
Mandibular Reconstruction with PM Muscle Flap胸大肌皮瓣重建下頜骨缺損.臺灣整形外科醫學會 1988.11月
Duplication of the Mouth, A Case Report and Literature Review雙口症案例報導 – 臺灣外科醫學年會與臺灣整形外科醫學會 1991.9月
Scar and Keloid Management疤痕及蟹足腫的治療 – 臺灣整形外科醫學會 1992.11月
Buddy Strapping - A Simple But Useful Procedure in Hand Trauma手部外傷的並指療法 臺灣外科醫學年會與臺灣整形外科醫學會 1994.3月
Transconjunctival Lower Lid Blepharoplasty結膜內眼袋摘除術 – 臺灣整形外科醫學年會 1993.11月
Double Z Rhomboid Flap雙Z棱形皮瓣技巧的運用 臺灣整形外科醫學會 1994.10月
Report Back on APRSSA Congress and the XXXXV ISAPS Instructional Course of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Sun City, SA南非太陽城國際美容外科醫學會回顧報導..臺灣整形外科醫學會 1994.11月.
Non-endoscopic Deep Plane Mid-face lift非內視鏡深部迷妳拉皮術-臺灣整形外科醫學年會,1997,12月.
Microtia Reconstruction without Rib-Cartilage Grafts不需採取肋軟骨的小耳重建術 – 臺灣整形外科醫學年會 2000.12月 16日
Chemical Scar Revision with Diluted TCA Solution化學整疤術 – 臺灣整形外科醫學年會 2000.12月 16日
Transconjunctival Lower Lid Blepharoplasty - A Ten Years Overview 結膜內眼袋摘除術十年經驗總論.臺灣美容外科醫學年會 2000.12月 3日
Transconjunctival Lower Lid Lipectomy and Pinch Technique - The best Way to Avoid Lower Lid Ectropion經由結膜摘除眼袋+贅皮減除-預防下眼瞼外翻最有效的方法 臺灣美容外科醫學年會 2000.12月3日
Maintain Single Eyelid Blepharoplasty單眼皮整形術.臺灣美容外科醫學年會,2001年12月8日
Translower lid cheeklift Rejuvenation Symposium, Taipei, 經由下眼袋切口臉頰拉皮術2003年11月2 日
19. Tumescent Anesthesia for Breast Augmentation 局部麻醉隆乳法.臺灣美容外
20. Transareolar Fully Submuscular Breast Augmentation under Local Anesthesia
Pretrichial Foreheadlift發際前額拉皮整形術.臺灣美容外科醫學年會,2003年12月28日
Cable Suture in Midface Lifts 纜繩懸吊中臉拉皮術. 長庚醫院臉部年輕化年會邀請演講Rejuvenation Symposium 2004年3月6日
Versatility of Ear Cartilage and Superficial Temporal Fascia in Augmentation Rhinoplasty 肌膜與耳軟骨在隆鼻方面的運用.臺灣外科醫學會,2004年3月28日
Autograft Rhinoplasty自體組織隆鼻術 – Rhinoplasty Symposium, 2004年5月15日
Revision of Augmented Breast under Local Anesthesia 局部麻醉隆乳修改整形,臺灣美容外科醫學年會, 2005年12月12日.
Philtrumplasty 人中整形術, 臺灣美容外科醫學年會, 2005年12月12日.
Closed Augmentation Rhinoplasty 無疤隆鼻手術專題研討,臺灣整形外科ˋ美容外科醫學會舉辦”世貿Spa專題演講”,2005年9月4日
Masseter and Bichat’s Fat Debulky as the 3rd Option of Wide Jaw Reduction寬臉改窄的另類選擇-咬肌與口袋打薄整形術.臺灣美容外科醫學年會,2005年11月27日
Wide Jaw Reduction寬臉縮小整形2005年12月31日青島美容外科醫學年會
Unsatisfactory Results in Cosmetic Surgery美容手術不滿意的結果2006年6月24日臺灣整形外科醫學會月例會邀請演講
Tricks and Thoughts regarding Breast Augmentation 隆乳整形的技巧與觀念2006年7月25日,開業醫研討會.
Wide Jaw Reduction寬臉縮小整形2005年12月31日青島美容外科醫學年會
· Unsatisfactory Results in Cosmetic Surgery美容手術不滿意的結果2006年6月24日臺灣整形外科醫學會月例會邀請演講
Strategy for Upper Lid Revision 上眼皮不理想整形結果重新修改的對策。2006年11月19日台灣美容外科醫學年會
Presentation at International Meetings
Fingertip and Nailbed Reconstruction指尖與甲床的重建-Biennial Hand Congress, South Africa, Pretoria, 1989.9 月.
Deep Dermal Suture in Prevention of Scar Hypertrophy真皮縫合法-International Congress of Plastic Surgery, Cape Town, S.A. 1992,10月
Transconjunctival Lower Lid Blepharoplasty結膜內眼袋摘除術-International Meeting of Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery, Sun City, S.A. 1994,10月.
Scar Prevention and Management疤痕的預防與治療-Biennial Meeting of International Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association, New York 1995,9月.
Attended International Meetings
Biennial Hand Congress, S.A. Pretoria. 1989,Sep.
Biennial Congress of Burn Society, South Africa, Kruger National Park, 1989, Aug.
Annual Meeting of Plastic Surgery, Burn Congress,Cape town, 1990,Oct.
2nd Asian Pacific Cleft Lip and Plate Conference,1991,April.
XXXVIII ISAPS Instructional Course, Taipei, 1992, Oct
International Meeting of Plastic Surgery and APRSSA Congress,Cape Town, S.A. 1992,Oct.
International Meeting of Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery, Sun City, S.A. 1994,Oct.
XXXXV ISAPS Instructional Course of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Sun City,SA, 1994,Oct.
XIII International Congress of International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, New York. 1995,Oct.
OSAPS Meeting, Taiwan, Kaoshung, 1996.
65th Annual Scientific Meeting of Plastic Surgical Forum, Dallas. 1996,Nov.
Fifth International Congress of Oriental Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Taipei, 1996 Dec.
The Aesthetic Society's 30th Annual Meeting, New York. 1997,May.
The 1998 Global Summit on Aesthetic Surgery, Los Angeles. 1998,May.
12th Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, San Francisco. 1999,June.
Annual Meeting of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Disney Land, Florida. 2000,May.
ASAPS35th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, April 27~May 3, 2002
ASAPS Annual Meeting, Vancouver, April 15~21, 2004
Rhinoplasty World Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April 28,2005
Contact Dr. Chang
Chang’s Clinic, 6F, No 48, Section 5, Nanjing E Rd, Taipei, Taiwan
Telephone: 886-2-27565486, 886-2-27565488
E mail: 27565486@yahoo.com.tw
Website: http://27565488.com